eBay Multi Buy

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Running promotions on your listings is always a great way to increase the volume of sales, and in particular multi-buy discounts on eBay listings have been proven to increase the quantity each seller can sell to an individual buyer.  eBay surveyed sellers from January to April 2019 in the UK and Germany and found that those sellers that used multi-buy discounts on their listings saw their chance of sales increase by 10%.

What is a multi-buy discount?

An eBay multi-buy discount allows you to offer tiered discounts to your buyers when they purchase multiple quantities of your items. When you offer a multi-buy discount the money savings available to your buyer for purchasing multiple items are clearly displayed and makes it easier for buyers to buy more of the same item.

In the example above, the white boxes on the View item page display the reduced unit price when selecting “buy 2” or “buy 3”. This encourages buyers to buy more than 1 of the same item.

How do you set eBay Multi-buy Discounts?

Multi-buy discounts can be set on any fixed price multi-quantity listing, including multi-variation listings.

Our newest software update includes the ability to list with multi-buy discounts. Within the Frooition listing tool, the option to add multi-buy discounts is easily added as an option and a seller simply need to specify what discounts they would like to apply for multiple purchases on that item. Ongoing promotions can easily be maintained within the Frooition software should you wish to pause or end the promotion without ending or altering your ongoing listings.

For additional help creating Multi-buy discounts take a look at our support guide.

Where can I use a multi-buy discount?

Sellers listing to eBay US, UK, Australia, and Germany can apply a multi-buy discount to any fixed-priced multi-quantity listing. This includes multi-variation listings.

Want to use similar functionality on your website? We can provide the same Multi-buy experience on a BigCommerce e-commerce website design.

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