Like painting the Forth Bridge, eBay listing optimisation is a never-ending task. If you want your listings to perform well in eBay search and ultimately sell more, you must keep up with listing best practices. This is a challenging task, particularly when eBay constantly moves the goalposts.
Are Your Sales About to Fall Off a Cliff
When sellers fail to update their listings in a timely fashion, their sales can plummet. And with eBay mandating new item specifics across multiple categories, with a deadline of February 22, 2023, many more sellers will be approaching that cliff edge moment.
Savvy retailers don’t wait to see what happens on the other side of eBay listing mandates. Instead, they take the time to make sure they are as compliant as possible with eBay’s listing requirements to ensure they continue to perform well. However, even the most innovative retailers can become overwhelmed by the speed of change and the scale of the task.
What is Wrong With My eBay Listings?
We speak with busy eBay sellers daily who need help keeping up with eBay listing best practices. They know that they should be optimising their listings regularly but have so many other things to do it takes time to prioritise actions that will help them protect and enhance their eBay sales.
eBay listing optimisation isn’t an “all or nothing” task. It’s about making those marginal gains that improve your listing’s relevance in eBay search. However, some aspects are more important than others. Therefore, we recommend that you are 100% up-to-date with those essential best practices relating to item specifics, images, and shipping times.
Of course, you can only fix your eBay listings if you know what’s wrong with them. Unfortunately, few sellers have the time to reference all of eBay’s listing recommendations and cross-reference them against all of your listings. Thankfully, Frooition has a free service available to all eBay sellers to help them understand where their listings let them down.
eBay Listing Optimisation
Frooition’s free eBay Listing Optimisation Report gives you all the information you need to improve your business’s eBay listing visibility and sales. Armed with this knowledge, you can make plans that help you avoid the otherwise inevitable loss of sales.
To learn more about how Frooition can help you optimise your eBay listings, book a free 15-minute discovery call with one of our eBay experts.