Today’s buyer’s have higher and higher expectations wanting things delivered almost the instant they make a purchase online. In efforts to better meet these buyer expectations and enhance eBay’s buying experience eBay are introducing a new badge of confidence ‘eBay Fast ‘N Free’.

The eBay Fast ‘N Free badge looks something similar to:

Sellers listing’s need to meet specific delivery criteria to qualify for this badge of confidence, in turn sellers benefit from increased listing exposure, buyer confidence and sales whilst eBay’s buying experience is enhanced with faster product deliveries to buyers.

(Please note, this is just a guide, always refer to your relevant eBay website for the latest accurate information)

eBay Fast ‘N Free – September 2012

Key Highlights:

  • Listings with 1-day handling and free expedited shipping automatically display the eBay Fast ‘N Free logo
  • From September 24th you’ll get the information you need in your Seller Dashboard to maximise the use of eBay Fast ‘N Free to drive more listing sales
    • Details on how many of your current listings qualify for eBay Fast ‘N Free.
    • The number of your current listings that need Free Shipping, expedited shipping and 1-day handling time to qualify for eBay’s Fast ‘N Free.
    • A forecast of what you might of generated over the last 12 months had your products qualified for eBay’s Fast ‘N Free logo.
  • Listings that eBay can confidently predict will arrive at the buyer’s location within 4 business days and offer free shipping will qualify for eBay’s Fast ‘N Free logo.

As a seller how does this affect me?

eBay Logo’s add confidence and increase sales, since introduced the Fast ‘N Free logo, sellers have enjoyed a fantastic boost in listing sales that meet this criteria.

What do I need to do as a seller?

  • Familiarise yourself with this latest update to maximise your sales potential.
  • Update your listings accordingly to qualify for eBay’s Fast ‘N Free badge of confidence.
  • From September 24th analyse and consider optimising your listings to meet eBay’s Fast ‘N Free criteria to maximise your sales potential and remain competitive.

Top Tips

  • You need to remain competitive to attract buyers and better meet buyers expectations, consider offering free shipping on all your listings – in addition free shipping is required to qualify for eBay’s Fast ‘ N Free logo.
  • Offer an expedited shipping service and ship within one day of receiving payment to enhance your delivery track record – this is one factor considered for determining listing eligibility.
  • Ensure you upload tracking so eBay has historical information to accurately estimate product delivery times and calculate confidence for logo eligibility.
  • Familiarise yourself with the new seller dashboard features on September 24th to maximise your selling potential with eBay’s Fast ‘N Free logo.

About Frooition

With over 100,000 online client’s and a reputation of ‘World Leading Designs’; Frooition is a world leading design company. Working with enterprise clients Frooition create custom eBay store and listing designs that are proven to enhance clients buying experiences. Their corporate branding portfolio includes Calvin Klein, Karen Millen, Laura Ashley, Speedo, ToysRus and many more. Contact us today and see how you can benefit from our world leading eBay designs.
Don’t forget our designs are proven to increase eBay sales by up to a massive 30%! Contact us today!

Check back tomorrow for a detailed release on SR12.2 Showcase Your Items

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