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eBay Cross Selling2024-09-13T10:00:59+00:00

Cross Selling on eBay


One of the most powerful features of Frooition’s eBay design services are the dynamic cross selling sections within every product template.

What is intelligent dynamic Cross Selling?

Cross Selling on eBay offers alternative products within each eBay listing. The aim is to grab the attention of the buyer and encourage them to visit a sellers other items rather than returning to the core eBay search.

Successful cross selling directly increases sales, boosts conversion rates, improves click-through and average basket orders. A positive side effect of cross selling is it also boosts brand awareness – the more listings a customer views, the more exposure to your brand they receive.

eBay Cross-Selling By Frooition
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How does it work?

  • Related items are picked and added to the Cross Selling section within the listing
  • The items that are cross promoted are chosen via rules in the Frooition Software
  • Items can be picked via category
  • e.g. you could offer iPhone cases with any Phone in the iPhone category.
  • As promoted items are sold or prices change they are replaced automatically
  • No need to manually update any listings
  • The cross selling section is fully mobile responsive

How does it update?

  • Frooition’s software automatically monitors your eBay listings
  • Once an item sells or ends, any listing with that item are selected to update
  • The software picks the next available item based on the users rules
  • All items are then updated, the software uses the eBay API to update the description replacing the items
  • The Frooition software updates listings several times per day and updates millions of listings per week!
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eBay Cross-Selling By Frooition

How are items chosen?

Sellers are in full control of the cross selling options via the Frooition software. Sellers build up rules that items from category A promote items from category B . Rules are built and run in priority order. There are a number of scenarios available:

  • Default: Cross sell items from the same store or eBay category – e.g. promote iPhones of different colors and memory sizes
  • Accessories: Cross sell items from a different category – e.g. promote iPhone cases that fit the phone in the listing
  • Up-sell: Cross sell items from a more expensive category – e.g. promote new iPhones on refurbished iPhone listings
  • Offers: Cross sell items on offer or cheaper version – e.g. promote refurbished iPhones on new iPhone listings

eBay Cross Selling – FAQ

What is eBay Cross Selling by Frooition?2024-09-12T19:17:19+00:00

Frooition’s eBay Cross Selling tool dynamically promotes and upsells related products within each eBay listing, increasing visibility and driving more sales.

How does dynamic cross selling work?2024-09-12T19:18:00+00:00

The software automatically updates listings to promote related items, based on custom rules set by the seller, such as product category or price range.

Is cross selling mobile-responsive?2024-09-12T19:18:29+00:00

Yes, Frooition’s cross selling sections are fully mobile-optimized.

Can I customize cross selling rules?2024-09-12T19:19:12+00:00

Yes, sellers have full control over what products are promoted. See this guide.


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