eBay Item Specifics


Maximise sales with optimised listings

eBay’s item specifics are a great and easy way to maximise your eBay sales. Using Item Specifics makes it possible for buyers to browse your items and filter products without just relying on eBay search.

eBay are making many item specific options mandatory, meaning you won’t be able to revise existing or launch new listings if those options are not completed. For example waist size is mandatory for items listed in Clothing > Jeans categories.

Where do Item Specifics show in search?

Item specific options display in the left column on search, enabling buyers to narrow searches down by feature.

Unleash the Power of eBay Optimisation with Boost Analytics

Listing Optimisation

Non Compliant

Performance Tracking

Bulk Fix Listings

Boost Analytics helps online retailers optimise their eBay listings and sell more.



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